Sloth Coloring Guide Treatment Planning Tool
You can use this art to help your clients create treatment plans to work with. Kids work well with metaphors and art. Have them use this as an example to create their own artwork. Fill in the blank space and color the image.
Creative Treatment Planning
Problems to work on
What's happening in the present
Things that happened in the past
Worries about the future
What supports you now?
Creative Treatment Planning
Problems to work on
What's happening in the present
Things that happened in the past
Worries about the future
What supports you now?
You can use this art to help your clients create treatment plans to work with. Kids work well with metaphors and art. Have them use this as an example to create their own artwork. Fill in the blank space and color the image.
Creative Treatment Planning
Problems to work on
What's happening in the present
Things that happened in the past
Worries about the future
What supports you now?
Creative Treatment Planning
Problems to work on
What's happening in the present
Things that happened in the past
Worries about the future
What supports you now?
You can use this art to help your clients create treatment plans to work with. Kids work well with metaphors and art. Have them use this as an example to create their own artwork. Fill in the blank space and color the image.
Creative Treatment Planning
Problems to work on
What's happening in the present
Things that happened in the past
Worries about the future
What supports you now?
Creative Treatment Planning
Problems to work on
What's happening in the present
Things that happened in the past
Worries about the future
What supports you now?